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You can now show your allergens card when you go out for dinner!   Nowadays there are hundreds of millions of people allergic to...

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Because of current obligatory health claims and future legislation on plain packaginig, cigarette boxes are already very unattractive...

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More and more is modern medicine based on predictive exams. The next frontier is the creation of diagnositic algorithms, ie algorithms...

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As city dweller, and their children, do not have precise ideas about how food is grown and how nature ‘works’ the response...

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Breast-feeding activists are growing in many Western countries, especially the USA and Germany. Those activists are focusing not only...

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A growing number of women are accepting to bear a child on behalf of a couple unable to have one, either by artificial insemination...

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Mobile comunication tools, on top of computers, make all of us reachable 24/7 by an endless fluxus of messages that request our...

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The science that studies the mirroring mechanisms activated in our brain in reaction to external input or as an efficient response...

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Neural virtual reality takes virtual reality technology to the next level by pumping virtual environments directly into the brain...

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A peripatologist is therapist who trains the blind or visually impaired to travel independently. Many university courses are being...

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Scientists from the University of California, San Diego have developed a self-healing hydrogel that binds together in seconds, copying...

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Substrate-independent minds (SIM) are minds that are able to operate on many different hardware platforms — not just a neural...

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